
Prevista: 26/06/2024

Dachshund Kaninchen Pelo Longo

Machos: 0

Fêmeas: 0

Disponíveis: 0

Conheça o pedigree


Bless Hundwurst Bless Hundwurst

Bless Hundwurst

Princy Hundwurst Princy Hundwurst

Princy Hundwurst

Scarlet Hundwurst Scarlet Hundwurst

Scarlet Hundwurst

Tariky Hundwurst Tariky Hundwurst

Tariky Hundwurst

Sri Sathya Laury Sri Sathya Laury

Sri Sathya Laury

Zach dos Mil Encantos Zach dos Mil Encantos

Zach dos Mil Encantos

Sri Sathya Laury Sri Sathya Laury

Sri Sathya Laury




Loreny Hundwurst Loreny Hundwurst

Loreny Hundwurst

Luidy of Mordoff Luidy of Mordoff

Luidy of Mordoff

Luany Hundwurst Luany Hundwurst

Luany Hundwurst

Shilon Hundehaus

Biba of Mordoff

Luidy of Mordoff Luidy of Mordoff

Luidy of Mordoff

Sri Sathya Laury Sri Sathya Laury

Sri Sathya Laury

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